Rui Ribeiro | Researcher
Researcher at MACC.
Ricardo Macedo | Researcher
Phd Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Mariana Miranda | Researcher
PhD Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Cláudia Correia | Researcher
MSc Student INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Marco Dantas | Researcher
MSc Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Diogo Ribeiro | Researcher
BSc Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Peter Cui | Researcher
Student at TACC / UT Austin.
Rúben Adão | Researcher
BSc Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Pedro Peixoto | Researcher
BSc Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Beatriz Moreira | Researcher
BSc Student at INESC TEC and U. Minho.
Cece Vu | Researcher
Student at TACC / UT Austin.