Programmable and Adaptable Storage for AI-oriented HPC Ecosystems
High-Performance Computing (HPC) services are increasingly sought to meet the demands of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. While the processing capabilities offered by HPC infrastructures can scale and handle the computational requirements of AI applications, the same does not hold true for the storage counterpart. Indeed, shared storage architectures quickly become a performance bottleneck when used by multiple instances of data-centric applications.
The PAStor project aims at providing a novel Software-Defined Storage (SDS) solution for HPC that can efficiently handle I/O flows from multiple AI workloads by automatically adjusting storage configurations and resources to dynamically meet application requirements. The proposed solution will be crucial to address the aforementioned storage performance bottleneck and fairness challenges of HPC infrastructures. The research output from PAStor will be released as an open-source prototype that will provide the first building block towards a novel storage architecture suited for the exascale computing infrastructure.
By gathering the expertise of INESC TEC and Hood College researchers in the AI and distributed storage fields, and by including researchers from TACC and MACC with experience on managing HPC infrastructures, the project will produce new high quality research findings and advance the state-of-the-art for storage solutions currently deployed at HPC centers.
News and Events

PAStor's work published at USENIX FAST and IEEE/ACM CCGrid
January 02, 2022
The worked done on the scope of PAStor was published at two renowned systems research conferences.

Virtual e-poster at UT AUstin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference
October 31, 2021
A Virtual e-poster of PAStor was presented at the UT AUstin Portugal 2021 Annual Conference. Available here.

Two new papers published at the REX-IO Workshop.
October 21, 2021
Two new papers describing the outputs of the PAStor project were published and presented at the Workshop on Re-envisioning...